
Dr. Sprott graduated from Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry, in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Sprott specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry but is also well trained and skilled in Endodontics, Orthodontics, Implantology and Prosthodontics. She is an active member of the American Orthodontic Society and performs traditional orthodontics and clear aligner therapy with Invisalign and Clear Correct therapies.

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Adjusting to New Dentures

Dentures are one of the many possible solutions to tooth loss. These are removable replacements for missing teeth and their surrounding tissues. The two main types of dentures are complete and partial. When all of your teeth are lost, complete dentures are used, while partial dentures are used when you still have some natural teeth. Dentures are custom-made as per your requirements. However, adjusting to them can be a little troublesome.  

How to Adjust to New Dentures?

While dentures improve appearance and functioning, they may not act or feel like your natural teeth in the beginning. It takes a little time to adjust to new dentures. Here are a few things that must be taken care of to promote fast adapting to your customized dentures.

  • Consume Only Soft Foods

You will not want to pop your dentures out of their place while you are eating. It is always better to eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes, porridge, yogurt, etc., in the beginning, to get used to moving your mouth with your new teeth in. Soft food does not put much pressure on your gums. This will allow fast healing and adjusting to the new dentures.

  • Take Small Bites

When you're beginning to move on to tougher foods, it is better to cut them into small pieces so that you can easily chew them with your posterior teeth. You will need to become used to the motions and vary the amount of pressure you apply to chew until you're comfortable with your bite and can chew without dislodging your dentures on a continuous basis.

  • Avoid Biting With Your Front Teeth

Biting foods, tough or even semi-soft, using the front teeth can cause your dentures to loosen from the back. The best course of action will be to cut your food into bite-sized pieces and then chew it with your rear teeth.

  • Avoid Hard Foods As Much As Possible

Avoid hard candies, sticky caramel, and snacks such as popcorn or chocolates since they can cause your dentures to lose and even chip or crack the artificial teeth. Any habits that can damage your dentures must be completely avoided, such as crushing ice, biting hard, or chewing pencils or pens.

  • Work On Your Speech

Speaking with new dentures can be difficult. Practice speaking first in front of your friends or family to feel less self-conscious about your sound. Speak loud and clear. If you hear a clicking sound or feel uncomfortable, reach out to the dentist, and we may be able to help.

Practice patience and positively follow the aftercare instructions from your dentist to promote quick healing and adjusting to the new dentures. With continuous practice and precautions, you will be able to speak, eat, laugh, and smile normally in no time.

Please reach out to our dental practice in Pasadena, TX, to have a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Sprott. Please call us at (281) 991-6530 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.


6429 Fairmont Pkwy Ste # 101, Pasadena, TX 77505

Office Hours

MON - THU 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Email: radiantdentalcarepasadena@gmail.com

Phone: (281) 991-6530